
Savings & Investment Planner

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Savings & Investment Planner Author

Millennium Software Inc

Savings & Investment Planner Features

Savings & Investment Planner provides the perfect Financial assistance if you want to seriously improve your Personal Finances.

Savings Template. Personal expenses spreadsheet to enter all your expenses as they occur. Use + values For really essential expense items and values For non essential expenses. Excel Works out the exact amounts of essential/non essential expenses, monthly savings if you eliminate all non essential costs and the percentage spent on non essentials.

Check Savings, Credit card and Bank Accounts. Excel is an absolutely perfect Tool For being able to check account balances and For retracing calculations carried out by your bank or lender. Templates Make this Process really Easy For you as well as verifying the interest credits or charges on your savings and card Accounts.

Credit card account Templates. Track your Credit card interest and protection insurance charges using this spreadsheet which calculates the real annual interest Rate charged . Any previous late payment or overdue balance can shift your interest Rate into the stratosphere. Keep a close watch on your Credit card rates with these spreadsheets.

Savings account Template. Track your savings interest Rate using this spreadsheet which calculates the real annual interest Rate credited to your account. Find a higher savings Rate and keep Checking. Similarly keep a close watch on your savings account interest Rate because they can be changed without notice.

Bank account Template. Track your bank charges and interest using this spreadsheet which correct your daily balances when over zealous bank charges deplete your account balances.

Accelerate your Mortgage repayments. Use this spreadsheet to calculate How much your net worth increases by applying your monthly savings to faster repayment of your Mortgage loan and reducing the financing charges.

The Guidance edition Leads by example. By reallocating income into accelerated repayment of a 25 year fixed Rate (5.95% p.a.) $255,000 Mortgage will yield savings of $100,259.

You can Test whether investing in a Mutual fund increases your net worth more than paying down your Mortgage.
The Managed Investment Funds spreadsheets calculate returns from alternative Investment opportunities covering a ten year Investment period For up to four different Investment plans.

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Savings & Investment Planner Operating Systems

Windows 95/98/ME,Windows NT/2000,Mac,Windows XP,OS X - Macintosh,Windows Vista

Savings & Investment Planner System Requirements

Windows XP or Vista and Microsoft Excel (all versions).

