Java Contactor - 100K Author
Smiling Dog Applications
Java Contactor - 100K Features
Java Contactor - Making contact was never so Easy with this Java Based Pim. - JC 25K is the one application to manage and communicate with all your contacts at Home and at work and supports up to 25,000 contacts. Java Contactor is built with a powerful merge function to merge changes and keep your contacts synched up. You can even merge using JC on different Operating Systems, because JC has versions in Windows, Mac OS, and UNIX. - Use JC to rapidly hone in on contacts by seaching on any field or combinations of fields. - JC also allows you to remame fields, For example to support other languages or to swap a field to one that Works better For you. - Segment Groups of contacts by using the built-in Groups feature. Once users are put into Groups, simply type in the group into the group Search field and the group members are all queued up. - Conduct Email Marketing Campaigns in plain text or Html. JC contains a built-in Email feature to send personalized, group, or anonymous Email to segmented contact Lists. JC can send Emails in batches and wait between Sending the next batch allowing most users to send Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns over a regular Email Account. - Conduct Direct Marketing Campaigns with JC by printing mail labels and return mail labels on regular Avory style mail labels. JC is much easier to use that the mail merge function of another popular Software manufacturer because JC has its own internal Database. In addition, JC can easily segment your audience by city, state, zip code or group. - Keep charge of your busy schedule with JCs Task Management system. Using a familiar calendar motif, create meetings, tasks, alarms and events. Create recurring calendar entries and set reminders. Us JCs powerful merge function to merge changes to calendar entries just like JC contacts. - Print contact spreadsheets or Copy and paste matching contact entries into Excel to Distribute contact Lists and take a Hard Copy with you.
Java Contactor - 100K Price
Buy Java Contactor - 100K
Java Contactor - 100K Operating Systems
Windows NT/2000,Linux,Other Platform,Windows XP,OS X - Macintosh